
A full time professional studio, not a part time job.
You will notice the difference between us and most taxidermists you have done business with as soon as you pull in the driveway, (or see our website). We are housed in a commercial building that is easy to find and has plenty of parking. Inside you will be greeted by one of 4 full time taxidermists, and will be invited to browse our large showroom and taxidermy display. We have regular posted business hours.
All tanning for taxidermy is done in-house. It is the same tan we have used for over 30 years and we have mounts on display to prove the tan (and therefore the mount) will last that long. It is a true tan, not a wipe-on or dry preserve but a REAL TAN, there is a difference. You will be given plenty of time to choose the pose and select your own turnaround time.
Tanning and freeze-dry equipment is on site, your mount never has to leave our premises. We mount between 400-500 animals per year. We have a generator in case of power outages, and an electronic security system is in place.
Professional in Quality, Customer Service and Business. That's rare in the taxidermy trade but you will find it here at Thunder Bay Taxidermy, LLC. So it should not surprise you to learn that every mount is backed by our LIFETIME GUARANTEE against cracking, splitting, drumming, bugs, smells, leaks and everything else that says bad taxidermy.
Do you really want to spend the next several years looking at a junk taxidermy job, when for a few extra bucks you could have a lifetime mount that looks as good now as it did 20 years ago?
Mark Maier, Owner